Hey Arnold! is an animated TV series. Here are some free printable Hey Arnold coloring pages.
Arnold Phillip ShortmanRhonda Wellington LloydBrainy is a GeekPhoebe TalkingGerald Martin JohanssenHarold BermanRobert SimmonsHappy ArnoldGerald SmilingPhoebe HeyerdahlHelga Geraldine PatakiLila SawyerGerald TalkingHelga is AngrySid in the HatEugene HorowitzArnold is SurprisedHarold is AngryHappy GeraldGrandpa Steely PhilHelga Holds a HeartGrandpa Phil Holds His ToolboxHelga and ArnoldArnold Reading a BookGerald and Arnold LaughingArnold Listing MusicArnold and GeraldArnold and PigsArnold Riding a Bike and Gerald on a SkateboardHey Arnold CharactersHey Arnold Male Characters