Sixty-five million years ago, an asteroid passed by the Earth, and the dinosaurs escaped extinction. Millions of years later, the dinosaurs evolved their intelligence, learning to farm, raise animals, and build. At the foot of a mountain, the Brontosaurus family welcomes three babies with different personalities. The youngest, Arlo, is feeble and timid, and after a series of events, he is separated from his mother, brother, and sister by thousands of miles. On the peril-filled journey home, Arlo is paired with the human child Spot. This is the story told in Pixar’s 2015 animated film The Good Dinosaur, and here are some free printable The Good Dinosaur coloring pages for kids.
Arlo the ApatosaurusSimple Arlo Running from the Good DinosaurThunderclap from the Good DinosaurEasy Arlo from the Good DinosaurSpot Collected Fruits for ArloBuck from the Good DinosaurLibby from the Good DinosaurSimple Spot on Arlos BackThe Good Dinosaur Arlo Finding ThingsThe Good Dinosaur Arlo RunningArlo the Apatosaurus Standing on the RockSpot on Carlos NoseThe Good Dinosaur Arlo in the EggArlo from the Good DinosaurSpot Under Arlos TummyArlo and His Poppa HenrySpot on Arlos HeadTwo Pterodactyls Found SpotNash from the Good DinosaurSpot Gives Arlo a HugRamsey from the Good DinosaurThunderclap Windgust and DownpourButch from the Good DinosaurArlo Carries Spot RunningNaughty Spot from the Good DinosaurSpot is in DangerButch T rex and His SonsFierce Butch the T rexArlo and Spot with a CornSpot and Arlo from the Good DinosaurThunderclap the Pterodactyls Got SpotSpot the Human Boy from the Good DinosaurThree T rex from the Good DinosaurMomma Ida and Poppa Henry Looking at Their Egg