In Toy Story 3, the toys came to the kindergarten. Here are some free printable Toy Story 3 coloring pages.
Stretch Rubbery OctopusLotso Bear WalkingChatter TelephoneKen from Toy Story 3Lots o Huggin BearButtercup UnicornTrixie TriceratopsBarbie from Toy Story 3Dolly from Toy Story 3Big Baby Holds His Milk BottleSmiling Lotso BearAliens Hold a Candy CanePeas in a podChuckles the ClownLotso on the Dump TruckMr Pricklepants HedgehogLittle Green MenTwitch from Toy Story 3Barbie Holds Her ShoeToys and Sunnyside BoxHamm and AliensTwitch and BuzzBonnie and AndySparks Robot